Callicore Plitheas, a part of the Nimphalidae species, have 20 known subspecies in the Callicore genus. The 88 Butterfly is famous for its 88 angel number designs found under its wings. This small butterfly can be found from Mexico to Brazil. The angel number symbolizes abundance and prosperity. It has a wingspan of 3-4 cm. They hover around Andean Foothills at an altitude of 100-600 m. They like river banks and rotten food. The larva feed on west indian nettle, capulin, and cacao fruit.

Batesia, also known as the Painted Beauty is a large-ish butterfly with a wingspan of 8.5-9.5 cm. It is found in the upper amazon areas of Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, and Venezuela. It's habitat is primarily in the rainforest at an altitude of 200-1200 m. The Painted Beauty belongs to the subfamily Biblidinae and is part of the Agenoniini tribe. I love it’s colors, how they beautifully harmonize amongst each other and the strikingly diverse combinations they share with us.

Catonephele Numilia, also known as the Grecian Shoemaker, is a part of the Nymphalidae family found in Central and South America. Adults feed on rotten fruits while caterpillars feed on alchornea species. Adults feed on rotten fruit and tree sap and spend the majority of their time in wet forest habitats.

Nathalis Iole, also known as the Dainty Sulphur or dwarf yellow, is from the Pieridae family. They have a wingspan of 1.9-2.5 cm making it the smallest pierid of their kind. Their eggs are yellow, the caterpillar is green with thin yellow stripes, occasionally with rosy-purple stripes, and the Chrysalis is small and green. They can be found in almost any open area including coastal plains, deserts, roadsides and waste areas. They fly low to the ground. There is only one other species in the genus and it is found in the isolated Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta mountain range in Northeastern Colombia. Some host plants include: Spanish needle, chickweed and green thread.